A bold move by Modi.
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a bold move to revive the Indo-US nuclear deal which was hindering the closer cooperation between the two countries in trade, commerce, technology transfer and in investment in India. As has been pointed out by C.Raja Mohan (IE, Jan.29), Modi has started an era of " new diplomatic culture of problem-solving" instead of wallowing in self-pity and breast-beating that has been the norm all these years. He may turn out to be India's Deng Xiaoping who changed the face, fortune and stature of China. He, like Deng, believes that it does not matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it can catch the mice. He is a man of ideas and ideals. He is a man of action. He made overtures to China and Pakistan, who refused to change their posture on India. He is joining hands with USA,Japan and Australia for economic development and to strengthen security in Asia and the world.