Saturday, April 06, 2013

Old wine in an old bottle.

Old wine in an old bottle.

Your 'quick edit' has summed up the Congress policy for the country in a few words, " Old wine in an old bottle". Rahul Gandhi has failed to provide a road map for the revival of industry and agriculture, has only repeated some old slogans and vague ideas . It is the liberalisation of the economy from the stifling controls which increased our GDP & per capita income of the people, ushered in telecommunications & software revolutions, and increased the revenue of the government. However, instead of using the revenue for empowering the poor with education and health, the government has frittered it away in various schemes which have huge leakages in the hope of getting votes of the poor. Many poor people send their children to private schools to provide a better future for them and people spend a lot of money on illnesses which could be prevented with potable water and primary care. He has nothing to say on all these issues.

Instead of providing incentives to businessmen for investments in various sectors which provide employment and create wealth, a large number of projects are delayed due to red tape and indecision. No wonder many Indian businessmen are planning to invest their money in foreign countries. 

There is drought in parts of the country, and farmers are selling their livestock and flocking to towns and cities. Then there are problems like rampant corruption and inflation. He has not even referred to these problems.

Rahul Gandhi, like Congress in all these years, seem to believe in distributing doles to people, not in the empowerment of the people.

April 5, 2013.
