Friday, April 26, 2013

A code of conduct for politicians.

A code of conduct for politicians.

Your edit, Code of conduct for politicians, (DNA,25/4) is timely. Our politicians behave more like rulers than as representatives of the people. They rarely keep in touch with the people as elections are won more on the basis of caste or creed than on the basis of social work in the area. That is why most of the funds allotted for social welfare measures are not even spent. That is why most of the public works are shoddy.That is why they can disparage voters with impunity. In any other country elected members of the parliament or assemblies would not go scot-free as in our country.

Curiously, the Forty Second Constitution Amendment Act, 1976, has incorporated 11 Fundamental Duties which include respecting the National flag and the National Anthem to safeguarding public property and abjuring violence. This was done during the Emergency regime of Indira Gandhi (1975-77). However, she never thought of any duties for the representatives of the people. The time has come to draw up a list of duties for our representatives as well. The most important is to keep in touch with their constituents. They should present a report to the people what they have done for the people twice a year. Mumbai citizens remember this exercise was done regularly by Ram Naik when he was in the Maharashtra Assembly, and later, when he was elected to the parliament. It should be their duty to see that all budgeted amount for the constituency is spent without time over-run. Every constituency should have a voters' council. Which should make them accountable. Good governance norms and good conduct norms should be mandated by law and implemented by the Election Commission.
April 26,2013.
