Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Caste& Hinduism.

Caste & Hinduism.


Kancha Ilaiah, professor of political science in Osmania University and the author of the book, Why I am not a Hindu, has said in a interview with Subodh Varma of the Times of India ( December 4,2009)  that Hinduism is in a crisis facing a kind of civil war due to the stranglehold of varnashram ( caste system)  which keeps 750 million Hindus subjugated and humiliated.


The learned professor has identified caste with Hinduism though Hindu scriptures and Hindu thought always proclaimed that every individual is a spark of the Divine Flame. The varnashrama or the caste system is not central to Hindu religion but was just a division of labour which degenerated into water-tight compartment much like our political dynasties distorting our democracy. We have to get rid of the caste system in our society as it is prevalent among all religious communities in India.


Some of the great saints and savants of Hinduism are half-castes and hybrids, says Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, the great philosopher and our past President, in his book, Hindu View of Life." Vasistha was born of a prostitute, Vyasa of a fisher-woman, Parasara of a Candala girl. Conduct counts and not birth." 


Hindu way of life seem to be gaining more adherents abroad, specially in USA, where in a  recent article entitled, "We are all Hindus now", Lisa Miller of Newsweek writes that 65 percent of Americans believe in many paths to God, 24 percent believe in reincarnation and 33 percent like to be cremated like Hindus. Yoga and meditation are more popular in USA than in India. Essential concepts of Hinduism like dharma and  karma will survive the ravages of time and outdated institutions.


December 8,2009.
