Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is secularism ?


What is secularism ?

This is with reference to the letter of Mr.Y.J.Mahabal who says " Secularism is totally free from religiousness" (Freedom First,January,2009). Secularism has been described as " sarva dharma samabhava" not by me, but by Gandhiji'. Hon'ble Justice D.M.Dharmadhikari of the Supreme Court, in a judgement on writ petition (civil) no.98 of 2002 of Ms.Aruna Roy and others on the issue of education of religions in the educational institutions fully maintained out of state funds, has stated, : " The real meaning of secularism in the language of Gandhi is Sarva-Dharma-Samabhav meaning equal treatment and respect for all religions, but we have misunderstood the meaning of secularism as Sarva-Dharma-sam-Abhav meaning negation of all religions ".

The judgement has cited the views of Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, Vinobha Bhave, Pandit Jawaharla Nehru, J.Krishnamurti, Bertrand Russell and others to differentiate between 'religious instructions'(rituals etc) and 'study of religions' (thoughts and philosophies etc). The judgement avers, " The complete neutrality towards religion and apathy for all kinds of religious teachings in institutions of the State have not helped in removing mutual misunderstandings and intolerance inter se between sections of people of different religions,faiths and beliefs. 'Secularism' , therefore, is susceptible to a positive meaning that is developing understanding and respect towards different religions. The essence of secularism is non-discrimination of people by the State on the basis of religious differences".

Secularism emerged in Europe in the wake of renaissance, reformation and enlightenment. It is the result of the separation of the state and the Church. In the middle ages the Church claimed both the temporal and spiritual powers. The conditions in India were different. Here temporal power was never with the religious leaders. With the multiplicity of faiths and religions in India, it is a case of impartiality between various faiths and religions. That is why sarva dharma samabhava would be the right interpretation of the concept of secularism which was advocated by Gandhiji and upheld by the Supreme Court.

Religions have imparted some sense of values in man (truth, non-violence, brotherhood etc) long before the state emerged and millions still follow them ardently. It is true that religions have also promoted strife and that is why it is necessary to promote a dialogue between them for peace and progress. The preamble of our Constitution declares that values of Justice,Liberty,Equality and Equality are the basis of our state. These values are the basis of all religions as well, if properly interpreted and understood.

( A letter sent to Freedom First, a Liberal Monthly published from Mumbai).

January 21,2009.



Sunday, January 11, 2009

Scope for another Sachar Committee, this time in Muslim countries.

Scope for anther Sachar Committee, this time in Muslim countries.

Writing a column, The Siege Within, under the title, Blood does not sleep, stays awake as nightmare, in the Times of India ( 11/01/09) , M.J.Akbar, a veteran journalist, points out the educational gap in Muslim countries in the context of Israel-Palestinian dispute. He writes,:

" Poor governance has created a knowledge deficit; and knowledge is the key to strength. An Arab friend sent me some startling statistics; the e-mail was captioned ' A time for introspection'. Here are just a few: there are only 500 odd universities in the Muslim world. The United States has 5,758 and India has nearly 8,500. Literacy in the developed world is 90% as against 40% in the Muslim world. If you removed Turkey from the list, the comparison would look grimmer. High tech goods and services constitute only 0.9% of the exports from Pakistan, and 0.3% from Algeria. They add up to 68% of Singapore's exports.

Men die for two diametrically opposed reasons : when they value what they seek to defend and when when there is nothing worth living for. Israel has created a state worth defending. The Palestinians must be given some thing to live for."

Here is some scope for the Congress to send a Sachar committee to find out who is preventing the empowerment of Muslims in Muslim countries.



Make Metro eco-friendly.

Make metro eco-friendly.
Your report, Swift,Silent and Safe (Times Of India,9/1/09) , gives a comprehensive idea about the first metro line, Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar line. It is to be appreciated that the transparent roof of the stations would use maximum natural light. If solar panels are used not only on the roof of the stations but all along the route, it would reduce the use of fossile fuel and make it more eco-friendly as well. If an extension could be added to the Airport from the Airport Road station, it would reduce vehicular traffic. These are the suggestions to the Maharashtra Government and the contractors, Mumbai Metro One Private Limited to make the Metro truly futuristic.
A letter to the editor of The Times of India, Janaury 10,2009.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Change Agents.

The Change Agents.

In an article, The year of unconventional thinking, Vikram S.Mehta has made an excellent suggestion in the Indian Express(6/1/2008) to field some 50 candidates of a cohesive group of middle class who feel our polity requires a drastic change 'to check public venality and executive incompetence'. As he has pointed out, India will have coalition governments at the centre for a long time to come and 50 enlightened MPs can weild enormous power and make a change for the better. With a contribution of Rs.100 by people concerned about the state of affairs can mobilize enough funds for the election in crores as in the case of Barrack Obama.

The latent desire for change burst out after the terrorist attcak on the iconic buildings such as Taj Mahal and Trident Hotels and indiscriminate killings of Jews and other foreigners.   People who never bothered about terrorism took to the street. One of the slogan was : " There are some more terrorists in India,They're called politicians " One  T-shirt proclaimed, " No vote, no taxes". All these slogans express the frustration of people with the present state of affairs. There is strong desire for a change for the better - better internal and external security, better administration of justice, better infrastructure. In short, good governance.

Since so many middle class people support change, a group like Liberals should give a lead for these people and get some educated and enlightened people in the parliament. The candidates of Liberal Party can contest from all the big cities and towns. This is an opportunity and a challenge for the Liberal Party.  

The party has to formulate an agenda which could be implemented in five years and should include reforms in police ( functional autonomy), judiciary (speedy justice), responsive bureaucracy ( no passing the buck), time-bound infrastructural development, fool-proof internal and external security (Naxalite violence, terrorism), universal primary education and primary health-care etc. Three priorities should be – security, development and justice. Slogan should be – back to the basics, the basics of our constitution – liberty, equality and fraternity.

January 9,2009.

Posted By M.D.Kini to Sense, Non-Sense and Common Sense at 1/09/2009 08:03:00 PM

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Karmayog's 10 Action Steps for government and civil society

 The 10 steps that you have suggested are a part of the Good Governance that all citizens aspire and require for their well-being.
 1. Corruption
(a).Corruption is the source of all evil in our society and polity. As Mahatma Gandhi observed long ago, there is enough in the world for everybody's need but not for everybody's greed. This has not been realised by the elite and the people. Once this fact is followed by the elite, it will be followed by the people. Leaders have to set an example. The bottle-neck is always at the top of the bottle and fish begins to rot from the head. As Gita says, people follow the leaders ( Yaddhacharate streshta  ...)  
Our ministers and governors live like erstwhile rajas - palaces, guards, stopping all vehicles when they move around started soon after independence. This moghul darbar should stop. People's representatives do not need all this. In many countries, ministers do not have this rediculous obsession with prestige and authority.
(b). High tax rates ( 97.75% marginal income tax), complex tax laws ( which allows discretion to tax enforceers), scarcity of goods ( cement, scooters,cars,telephones), prohibition, ban on import of gold started our saga of corruption. Now everything has been moderated. Still,corruption comtinues. Not a day passes without a report of some bureaucrat/businessman being caught red handed. However, we do not know what happens later. There is no monitoring of it by media or the concerned citizens. Red tape and loop-holes in the law prolongs procecution and people forget after some time.
We cannot go on with this.The first thing that the new government should do after assumeig office is to offer plea bargaining to all these culprits - 50% ( or more) of their wealth should be confiscated. Money hoarded in Swiss and other banks is enough to fund all our five-year plans.Those who do not do so should be persecuted. This requires speedy enquiry and speedy justice. The laws should be amended accordingly.
(c). One of the reasons for corruption is the low pay, especially that of police and many others in the government. Pay has been hiked recently. What about the havaldars, clerks and others of the bureaucracy ? They have to be paid well too but have to be removed/dismissed for any derelection of duty or bribary. The has to be trimmed, trained and disciplined. Excess staff has to be pensioned off generously. This one-time cost is worth it. A headline in DNA on Jan 2, 2009 is " 25% Mantralaya employees bunk office everyday". The trade unions have to be taken into confidence for this. Trade unions are as patriotic as others and have to be made aware of the need for efficiency and progress of the country.  
(d).All political parties have to submit accounts to the Election Commission and is to be audited by the Auditer General of India who has to be appointed by a Committee of Three - P.M., Leader of the Oppsosition and CJ of India. Sarvodaya Leader Jaya Prakash Narayan has rightly said that black money in the election is the Gangotri of corruption. 
All elceted representatives should not be involved in any trade and business. All their investment should be freezed once they get elected as they have to devote their time to the welfare of their constituency and country. They should be compensated adequately. The Parliament in UK meets 200 days a year. The MPs are members of various standing committees as well.
Serving the people through an NGO, accounts of which should be audited by Auditer General of India, should be made a condition for all candidates by the Election Commission to weed out non-serious candidates. If a candidate does not get more than 50% of the polled votes, there should be another election within 8 days with only two top candidates so that every MLA,MP or Corporator represents a majority. This will also bring down instability to a certain extent.   
(a). Every government institution and every government department should have a commttee of five citizens to advise and supervise its activities with a two-year term which should submit a report every year or half-year on all aspects of the activities of the organisation/department to the public - though newspapers/meetings of the citizens. The committee should have a lawyer, professor, journalist, common citizen, NGO representatives.
(b). All government departments should be computerized and should be made accessable to all citizens. All tenders and applications for license, permits and information should be through the internet. Of course, the present system of giving in writing should be retained as most of our people are not in a position to use computer and internet. 'Open goernment openly operating' should be the aim. 
3. Active citizenship.
(a). Voting is the minimum that a citizen has to do for the country, democracy and good governance. Active citizenshp involves taking active part in social and political affairs. There is no point in complaining all the time. Participation at various level is the most effective way to change things. Educated people have to join parties of their choice, not for power but to change the parties from within. They should be the conscience keepers who follow the straight and narrow path of ethics and general welfare. Now most of the people join politics for power and bow down to the vested interests to get power and pelf.   
(b). There are three sections among us who need proper direction to bring about change in our society and politics. They are : young & students ; senior citizens ; housewives. All have some time on their hands and if organised properly, help in chnaging things in the country. 
All students should be enrolled in Scout movement, social actvities such educating the poor, propagating the virtues of ecocology ( tree-planting, rain-water harvesting, wild-life preservation etc.) to actively involve young generation in social actvities and make them good citizens of tomorrow. Those students who actively participate in these social activities should be awarded additional marks and given some preference in higher studies. Those who get scholarship from the government should also be compulsarily involved in social service.  
Longivity has increased and there are a large number of citizens who want to contribute to the society - their knowledge, their expertise and their wisdom. 
Housewives are another source of power for change, especially empowering women. Nobody has tapped this vast power. Most of the economic issues affect them - rationing, water, electricity.
All these sections have to be organised for the betterment of society. Duniya zukti hai, zukhanawala chahiye !  Organising these sections could be taken up by Corporates as their social responsibility or by NGOs.
Of course, Karmayogis can add more to this tentative note or amend it. The main focus is how to utilise our sources of power to improve and change in our society and polity.
(A response to Karmayog's query on January 4,2008).
