Thursday, February 20, 2014

Freedom of expression & freedom of faith.

Freedom of expression and freedom of faith.

While criticizing the withdrawal of the book, The Hindus: An Alternative History, by the publishers, the liberals have missed the most important point pertaining to this issue (The Regreesive State, IE. 20/2) This is the first time that a book has been taken to the court of law and the publisher has agreed to withdraw the book from the Indian market. Many books have been banned in India by the government on its own or after violent agitations against them. This book has been withdrawn by the publishers as Indian laws seek to punish anybody who seeks to outrage " the religious feelings". Dina Nath Batra, who took up the issue to the court, through his Shikshna Bachao Andolan Samiti (SBAS), has pointed out many inaccuracies in the book and explained how the book demeans the gods and goddesses by interpreting Indian mythology through the Freudian psycho-analysis. On both of these counts, the book hurts the religious feelings of the believers in Hinduism, though not all Hindus. The Indian Constitution grants freedom of expression with some 'reasonable restrictions' to protect public order, decency or morality etc. The fear of SBAS and believers is that the interpretation given in the book could prejudice the mind of the readers, both in India and abroad. As it is, many people in the Western world believe Hindus are idol and animal worshipers. One wished that the publiher and the SBAS had agreed to include the objections mentioned by SBAS in the future editions of book so that the reader would have a better understanding of Hinduism. That would have upheld both the freedom of expression and the freedom of faith.

February 20,2014.
