Temple Trusts misused by politicians.
Time has come for Hindus to free their temples from the clutches of politicians. As observed by R.N.Bhaskar (DNA, Aug.19), enormous amount of money donated by the believers to the temple trusts are being misused by politicians for their own purpose instead of using it to provide amenities to the devotees who throng temples in search of peace and happiness, if not salvation. The first charge of any temple trust must be the welfare of the devotees and the upkeep of the temple's customs and tradition. Secondly, surplus funds should be used to promote Hindu culture through the publication of books on Hindu philosophy and Hindu saints. The temple trusts can also establish schools and colleges for the general public in its vicinity. The trustees should be elected by the registered devotees of the temple as is done in case of SGPC (Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhaak Committee) and the audited accounts should be made available to the devotees.
The government take-over of temple trusts is a travesty of the Constitutional guarantee (Freedom of conscience and free profession,practice and propagation of religion, Art.25 & Freedom to manage religious affairs,Art.26) of the freedom of religion of Hindus. A secular state has no right to interfere in the religious matters. Secularism essentially means separation of religion from the state. In India, it is 'sarve dharma sama bhava' ( equal respect to all faiths), put it in the words of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the great philosopher and the former President of India. The Indian state does not treat all religions as equal. This should change.
August 19,2013.