Thursday, November 08, 2012

Probity & Accountability of the rulers.

CAG Vinod Rai is right ( I.E.,Nov.8). Our rulers have become
appallingly brazen as far as accountability and probity in public life
is concerned. We all remember Lal Bahadur Shastri who resigned after a railway accident.
Now we have ministers who would not resign till they are

It is high time that CBI and CVC are freed from the government
control. They should be under a parliamentary committee's control or under the
Supreme Court so that these institutions are not misused by the ruling party to
benefit it supporters and harass the opposition parties.
Accountability and probity are as important in a democratic system as
periodic elections and majority rule.

Another report on the same day explains how an imaginative IAS
officer, Alok Kumar Singh, has transformed the small town, ,Ashrafpur
Kichaucha, a model of good governance. It is to be hoped that this
would be duplicated in our towns and villages.

Vinod Rai and Alok Kumar Singh give us hope for a better India.

November 9,2012.
