Thursday, September 08, 2011

A delicate balance.

A delicate balance.

Pratap Bhanu Mehta has rightly pointed out the political dilemma
brilliantly in his analysis, A delicate balance ( IE, 8/9/11).  He has
summed up the same in one sentence - "The dilemma is this : due
process and formalism have become a fig leaf for avoiding justice."
The legislature and the executive have become dysfunctional due to
one-party dominance of our polity for a long time, and now, because of
the rise of regional parties with no national perspective. Most of the
parties are prisoners of the past with no vision for the future. In
this scenario, even the Supreme Court may not be of much help as it
cannot take over the functions of the legislature and the executive.

Neither inflation, nor investment and not even terrorism and
corruption get the attention they deserve from the political class.
Inflation is making poor, poorer; investment which can create
employment is drying up; terrorism has become routine; and corruption
is rampant. Every party has a vote-bank and the election has become a
snake-and-ladder game with the common man left high and dry.
Corruption is highlighted by non-political entities and politicians
have shown them their place. The scams have taken away the sheen from
the UPA and even the PM. We need a party which can restore the probity
and balance envisaged by the Constitution. Can BJP take up the
challenge ?

