Mr.Niall Ferguson, Profesor of History at Harvard University,
explained the double standard of the Islamic world in the Walk the
Talk of Shekhar Gupta ( Indian Express,Feb.9,) in the following words
" Ferguson : All over the Muslim world, there is a contest between a
radicalised minority, whose politics of grievance is so extreme that
they are prepared to blow themselves up in pursuit of an Islamic
utopia, and a majority of Muslims who naturally are attracted to
modernity and see their neighbours in India, for example, prospering
but don't quite know how to legitimise that modernity.Today Muslim
leaders feel they have to defer to radical Islamists and it's that
deference which also one sees in Arabian world that's so depressing.
Gupta : Because it is very difficult to find someone in that universe
who condemns terrorism without putting some qualification or a
Ferguson : And when you think of some things that are done in the
name of Islam, a straightforward condemnation whether from the Saudis
or the leaders in Pakistan would make at least some difference. So at
the heart of the Islamic world, there is a great double standard now."
This is the situation in India as well. How many Muslim leaders have
come forward to support Kaskmiri Pandits who were driven out of
Kashmir ? As a writer pointed out, there is no film on " My name is
Kaul" but there is one now on, " My name is Khan ", thanks to Karan
Johar and Shah Rukh Khan.
Hindus had a stream of reformers starting from Budhha, Mahavir to
Mahatma Gandhi protesting against fundamentalism. Christianity had
renaissance, reformation and enlightenment which promoted science and
industry. There has been no such thing in Islam. Islam has elements of
democracy and reforms but it has no bold leadership which can bring it
in tune with the times.
February 15,2010.