Thursday, October 15, 2009

Human rights and discrimination.

Human rights and discrimination.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) of USA wants India to take a lead in
proclaiming caste as a form of discrimination (TOI,15/10). It is not
clear what purpose will be served with that acceptance by India.
Indian constitution has already proclaimed social,economic and
political equality in its preamble and it has taken measures to uplift
scheduled castes and tribes. Of course, Indian society and the Indian
state have to take further measures to fulfill the constitutional
mandate to bring about complete equality. However, one would like to
know what the US government has done to stop discrimination to Native
Americans and African-Americans and how far the government has been
able to eradicate discrimination. Why US should not be a role model in
this area? How far discrimination against non-Muslims, non-Sunny
Muslims and women been eradicated in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the
most favoured countries of USA ? Without proper answers to these
doubts the HRW and Human Rights Council look like tools to defame

October 15, 2009.
