Thursday, July 31, 2008

Terrorism - How to meet the challenge.

Terrrism - How to meet the challenge.

Experts have made many good suggestions - law empower the police to nab the culprits whoever they are without any interference from the politicians; the police force has to have all euqipments to do their job and enough incentives to do their job efficiently. As Winston Churchill said, ' Give us the tools and we would finish the job." People have to be alert and co-operate with the police. Whether it is Naxalites or terrorits, they usually have some sympathisers who help them. We also require fast-track courts to award exemplary punishment to the perpetrators. There should be mohalla committees to keep a watch on strangers. Hotels are supposed to keep records of their guests and report to the police. All housing societies are supposed to inform the police about lease holders. If all these are implemented, terrorism could be controlled.

However, to root out terrorism, we have to  change mind-set of people and it should start with our young people who study in schools and colleges. India is a multi-religious society and it is imperative that we have to not merely tolerate but accept all religious faiths - sarva dharma samabhava. That is called secularism which is now one of the values which we cherish along with liberty,equality and fraternity. This should be a part of the curriculam of all schools and colleges. In this we have failed in all these years. We neither know our own religion, nor the religions of our neighbours. We only know the religious festivals, not their significence. All religions have some basic values - truth,non-violence, fraternity. These values have been upheld in all religious texts in different words and at different contexts. This has to be impressed on all youngsters. As the preamble of UNESCO declares, " since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defense of peace must be constructed." This is the foundation of peace and prosperity. 
July 31, 2008